
At Thomas Edison Charter School, we believe that parents are an important part of accomplishing our goal of every student achieving success. We want our school to become a beacon of light and a source of hope in the community. Active and involved parents have a positive effect on students and schools. Children benefit when schools have high expectations, strong academics, caring teachers and parents who create a home environment that encourages learning and lots of reading. Children who have supportive parents generally achieve better grades, complete their homework, have higher self-esteem and fewer disciplinary issues. Our mission at Thomas Edison Charter is to ensure that each parent understands the role of the curriculum, the teacher and principal, in the education process. When parents understand the education process they are more likely to become involved in their child’s education at school and at home. We respect the commitment and dedication of each our parents and pledge to support them in educating and raising their children. This is why we are, “Educating and Elevating, Every Student, Everyday”!


We are asking all of our parents to:

  • Read to your child each day
    (Reading aloud is the most important activity that parents can do to increase their young child's chance of reading success.)
  • Ensure your child is reading 30 minutes or more each day
  • Help your child organize his/her time and activities
  • Limit television viewing on school nights
  • Help your child set challenging academic goals
  • Check your child’s homework every night
  • Attend school events whenever possible
  • Become a member of our PTO